Plein Air Palette

Plein Air Palette

This is the short list of tools and gear you ought to bring for every paint out. Lots more could be added but don’t forget these!

  1. Portable “French” easel or other comparable easel.
  2. Palette (usually comes with the easel) or other mixing area
  3. 11×14 to 16×20 stretched canvases, canvas panels, or boards
  4. Disposable latex surgical gloves for skin protection (Available at Ace Hardware)
  5. Large palette cups to hold painting medium
  6. Brush washer stainless container
  7. Suggested list of oil paints in tubes: cadmium yellow medium, yellow ochre, cadmium red medium, alizarin crimson permanent, pthalo blue, french ultramarine, viridian hue, burnt sienna, lamp black, titanium white
  8. Brushes: A mix of rounds and filbert bristle brushes in various sizes. You don’t need to spend a lot on brushes. I prefer the very cheapest bristle brushes.
  9. Medium: Galkyd, Walnut Oil or Refined Linseed oil, Odorless Mineral Spirits, not turpentine
  10. Roll of paper towels. You will use a lot of paper towels, so choose the “Select-a-size” variety.
  11. Two large, trowel-shaped palette knives
  12. Matte with 4″ X 6″ opening or a viewer (optional, but handy) for isolating your view
  13. Red plastic viewer for checking values (optional)
  14. Trash receptacle: Disposable paper or plastic bag for your used paper towels
  15. A wet canvas carrier of some kind. You can make your own out of a cardboard box or purchase one online.
  16. Painting umbrella
  17. sunscreen, bottle of water, snack
  18. Hat with broad brim

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